
Church Life at All Saints Church, Easton-on-the-Hill

Easton on the Hill Church
All Saints Church

All Saints Church, Church Street, Easton-on-the-Hill, Stamford,
PE9 3LL.

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All Saints serves the Community of Easton-on-the-Hill, near Stamford. We are a welcoming and inclusive community, open to all. Our church building dates from the 12th century and is a beautiful and peaceful place for reflection and quiet prayer. A full architectural description can be found on the Easton-on-the-Hill village website here.

Are you new to Church?
We understand it can be daunting if you’ve never been to church before – or if it’s been a while. To make it easier, we hope that this page will give you some idea of what to expect if you come to a service.

Where is the Church?
All Saints Church can be found at the end of Church Street in Easton-on-the-Hill. It has fantastic views over the Welland valley and is directly opposite the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply. The Postcode (For Sat Nav) is PE9 3NZ.

What happens when I get there?
As you arrive, a member of the congregation will greet you at the door and will be happy to point you in the right direction. We hope that you will feel warmly welcomed. The service will normally follow a printed booklet and consists of singing hymns, Bible reading(s), some prayers and a sermon (about 10 minutes) that aims to explain and apply what the Bible says to our everyday lives. Communion services will give the opportunity for most people to receive the Bread and Wine (though there is no need to do so).

Please sit wherever you like – there are not any reserved seats.

The service is sound enhanced and there is a loop system.

After the 10.30am service there is a chance for a cuppa. Please feel free to stay around and enjoy tea, coffee or a cold drink and have a chat to other folk.

Will I be asked to give money?
We have a collection plate by the door but there is no obligation to give. If you wish to do so and you are a tax payer then there are Gift Aid envelopes for you to use.

What about the Loo?
Unfortunately there are no toilet facilities currently at All Saints.

What’s being a Christian all about?
It’s a journey in fellowship with the Church in relationship with God through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ, who died that we might live.

We hope this helps to explain something of what this church is like. Please do come along, we’d love to see you! If you are still nervous after reading this, please contact us and we will arrange for someone to meet you and show you around. If you’d like to know more, why not have a look here. You might find the content helpful.

Friends of All Saints Church

A new group who care about the Church and its grounds.

Please click on the logo on the left for more information.

The first major project of the Friends of All Saints Church, the Easton Labyrinth and Peace Garden, was opened on Sunday July 29th 2018. Please click on the photograph below for more information about this project.